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Before Planting Marijuana Seeds

Posted by Marijuana Info Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Before Planting Marijuana Seeds

You cannot just plant the marijuana seeds while they are dry and in the normal state they are. You will have to do something to them before they are ready to be planted. If you have some weak seeds then there is a chance that you could kill them or they are already not strong enough to be planted but most of the time if you don’t mess this process up then you can plant them all with no issues.

Soaking the Seeds

You will want to soak the marijuana seeds with water (not too much but enough to soak them) and let them sit for a day before you plant them. When you do plant them you will have to make sure that the pointy end of the seed is pointing up and that you plant the seed only around half an inch down. Most people will put the seeds in between wet paper towel and place it on a plate for the night and put it in a dark area but you have various options.

If you do everything right and the seeds are healthy then they will usually sprout within five days of originally planting them. Be sure that you take good care of the plants especially when they are just planted because they are more likely to die in the early stages if you don’t take proper care of them. When they first sprout be careful of touch because the stems can break easily and repairing it to continue growing is very difficult and usually won’t work.


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