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Hydroponic Marijuana Plant Growing – Lights during Flowering

Posted by Marijuana Info Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Once your marijuana plants reach the point that they can be put into the flowering stage you will have to change the lighting setup that you have. You will want to shut your grow lights off and let the marijuana plants sit in pitch dark for a day to a day and a half. While it is not required for you to do this it has been noticed by many growers that this step really helps the flowering process to go quicker.

Begin Flowering Stage

For you to start putting the marijuana plants into the flowering stage you will just have to change the timer for your grow lights to let them be on for only ten to fourteen hours a day at most. People will usually begin with a 12/12 cycle where the lights are only on for half of the day. If the marijuana plants are used to getting twenty hours (and up to always having light) every day then the marijuana plants should start flowering with as little as ten hours of light on a day.
If you give your marijuana plants under twelve hours of light every single day during the flowering stage then it will get the dope plants to the harvesting stage sooner but the yield will be a lot smaller. If you have the lights on for over twelve hours every single day then the marijuana plants will give you a bigger yield but it will also take quite a bit longer to reach the harvesting stage.


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