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When Not to Prune

Posted by Marijuana Info Tuesday, February 2, 2010

While pruning your marijuana plants can be beneficial there are still some cases which the circumstances make it wrong for you to prune the plants. There are a lot of times you should avoid pruning the dope plants because it could lead to some issues.


Make sure you are using a little pair of scissors instead of your hands to prune the plants. When you prune the plants don’t cut any of the growing tips which have signs of bad health. If the branch contents are showing to be sick and if the plant is losing leaves then you shouldn’t prune it. Also remember the main reason for pruning your marijuana plants while growing is to make the growth progress instead of just getting you some weed to smoke even though you can smoke the pruned growing tips.

Even though you may be tempted to prune the buds from your female dope plants during flowering so you can smoke it you should refrain from doing so. If you prune your weed plants during flowering the yield will be severely lower. You probably won’t want to prune your marijuana plants much if they are from the indica strain because they are genetically grown shorter and bushier. Sativa strains will generally need more pruning though because they grow

Make sure you don’t prune more than one growing tip on each branch on a single marijuana plant. Also don’t prune every single growing tip on the plant at once but rather only prune about a third of them and give them time to heal before pruning again.


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